Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tsunami Competition

VinylTap is now featuring a station thanks to the Tsunami application. If you have not heard of this gig get ready for some excitement.

Tsunami is an application that can be used on any device such as an iPhone or an iTouch. Tsunami features stations devoted to specific music blogs, artists, basically anything to do with music. It is similar to Pandora except you choose from specific stations you want to hear. Tsunami features many notable artists such as Split Second, Loggy, Kap Slap, and Brenton Duvall. The stations consist of tracks that each music blog owner, artist, ect. wants to display. Twitter accounts, the VinylTap website, videos, and history. Click here for more information.

Click here to download the app from your computer or search "Tsunami" under applications on your device. You can also click on the image on the right side of the page.

To play the VinylTap station on Tsunami, type in "VinylTap" (case sensitive) into the search bar and press return. An upgrade has been released yesterday in which all the station show up in a selectable menu on the opening page so users can scroll right to the VinylTap station and choose it that way. Please download the app and check it out. This way you will be able to view all the song posts on VinylTap on your device! The more you view the VinylTap station, the more likely VinylTap will extend to recieve an application of its own.

Tsunami is now featuring a contest for all you inspiring artists out there. Sign up with Tsunami by sending your tracks to them. A station will be created in your name. The individual with the most station views will earn $1000. The sponsored blog earns $500. Click here for more details. Updates will be posted. If you have any questions or want to send your music, drop an email to or

Thanks Tsunami and send your music to get your own featured station and win some cash!

Ashes & Dialect- Burning
^Here is a very good dubstep song posted by Yates Murphy on NewBeats.

*Right Click Save As. To Download

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